

As a trucking company, we are very aware of our clients’ concerns about exposure to COVID-19. Our drivers already self-isolate during normal operations because they spend most of their workday alone. When they do come in contact with people, they interact very little. We have taken things further during the COVID-19 pandemic. We have adjusted our carrier guidelines for pick-up and drop-off. In this way, we will ensure we limit the exposure of our partners and our drivers.

The government has declared truck drivers, including cross-border drivers, as essential service providers. The 14-day self-isolation period does NOT apply to them. But all travellers crossing the border could be a risk to Canadians. It is important that cross-border drivers strictly follow the recommended public health practices from the BC Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC). They must also follow federal and international COVID-19 policies and procedures.

These include, but are not limited to:

  • Physical distancing of 2 metres/6 feet
  • Washing their hands regularly
  • Using nitrile gloves, face mask and hand sanitizer
  • Cleaning/disinfecting with an alcohol-based cleaner or disinfecting wipes or spray and paper towel. Use soap and water if those are not available
  • Covering their hands when pumping gas, touching public door handles and performing vehicle maintenance
  • Coughing/sneezing into their elbow or a tissue
  • Self-monitoring for COVD-19 symptoms daily
  • Reporting any symptoms and not coming to work or the work site if they have any COVID-19 symptoms
  • Continuing self-isolation on their days off

Communication is the most important part of making these procedures work. We want to keep the supply chain running and reduce exposure and cross-contamination. We also want to reduce the worry felt by clients, workers and their families. As business partners, we are in this together. We need your help to ensure the safety of your workers and our drivers while they are on your site.

To that end, we need the following details from you before our driver arrives:

  • When our driver needs to be on site
  • How our drivers should proceed (procedures they need to follow)
  • What goods and paperwork are involved
  • Where specifically on your site the driver should go
  • Who the driver should contact at your site
  • Access to a washroom or portable toilet with hand washing or sanitation ability

This information will help us limit exposure and create a safe work process specific to your site(s).

The situation is changing as we learn more about COVID-19. Government and regulators are adjusting their pandemic response plans and supply chain needs. Keeping that supply chain up and running requires a team effort. None of this could happen without our partnership with partners like you. We appreciate your dedication and support.

Thank you,

Jas Ghotra